The accident benefits insurer is required to pay a caregiver benefit if you were a primary caregiver for a person in need of care and did not receive any remuneration for engaging in caregiving activities. The caregiver benefit is $250 per week plus up to $50 for each additional person requiring care, provided you sustained a catastrophic impairment as a result of your accident
Under a standard auto insurance policy, this benefit is only available to people who have suffered a catastrophic impairment. This benefit is payable for two years following the auto accident, following which time, it is only payable if the caregiver suffers a complete inability to carry on a normal life, in which case it may be payable for the duration of an accident victim’s entire life
If you have been injured in a car accident in Ontario and would like to receive more information on the income replacement Benefit, call Pranzitelli Law Firm and we will be happy to discuss it further.
With Accident Benefits claims, come onerous and copious amount of forms to complete on an ongoing basis, along with stringent deadlines that must be adhered to. This can be a massive source of stress for claimants. To further complicate matters, accident benefits are constantly changing under the STATUTORY ACCIDENT BENEFITS SCHEDULE, O. Reg. 34/10. At Pranzitelli Law Firm, we handle all of your Accident Benefits forms, as well, we take over all communication with the insurance company on your behalf. This way, you can focus on what matters, getting the proper treatment and taking the steps to recovery without distraction.
Our Working Process
1. Review the Details of the Case
2. Layout a Roadmap
3. Commence legal Action
Frequently Asked Questions
We never charge for an initial consultation. At the free initial consultation, we will discuss the details of your potential case, the legal process and answer any questions you may have.