Any manufactured product which is defective and causes injury may entitle the victim to a money recovery. Product defects can be the result of a number of factors and conditions including:
- faulty manufacturing
- unsafe design
- labeling
- inadequate warning
The list of possible products responsible for consumer injuries is endless. Some of the more common claims involve automobiles, tools, industrial equipment, toys, ladders, medical devices, and pharmaceuticals. Too often children or workers are the victims of defective or poorly designed products.
Toronto and York Region Product Defect Law
Ontario law provides a basis for recovery if you or a loved one are injured as a result of a defective product. The law is complex and proof involves a complete review of the product design, development, manufacture and labeling requirements.

Our Working Process
1. Review the Details of the Case
2. Layout a Roadmap
3. Commence legal Action
Frequently Asked Questions
We never charge for an initial consultation. At the free initial consultation, we will discuss the details of your potential case, the legal process and answer any questions you may have.